Partonomy list P4, primary language: LA, subsidiary: FR, interface: EN, work in progress

arteria auricularis posterior (par)

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Home page TAH partonomy
Top level systema cardiovasculare Short Extended
Level 2 systema arteriosum Short Extended
Level 3 arteria carotis communis (par) Short Extended
Current level arteria auricularis posterior (par)
Subsidiary language with Latin
Non Latin primary language
Partonomy list
Short official Latin term
Short French equivalent
49624 3844 tax
arteria auricularis posterior (par)
artère auriculaire postérieure (paire)
49628 3845 tax
arteria stylomastoidea (par)
artère stylomastoïdienne (paire)
49631 3846 tax
arteria tympanica posterior (par)
artère tympanique postérieure (paire)
49635 3847 tax
rami mastoidei (par)
rameaux mastoïdiens (paire)
49638 3848 tax
(ramus stapedius (par) )
(rameau stapédien (paire) )
49641 3849 tax
ramus auricularis (par)
rameau auriculaire (paire)
49644 3850 tax
ramus occipitalis (par)
rameau occipital (paire)
49647 3851 tax
ramus parotideus (par)
rameau parotide (paire)
8 lines
87.5 %
87.5 %
Scientific notes
Type of list P4
List Unit Identifier 3844
Number of children 23 (validated)
Number of units 8 (validated)
Signature 7855 (validated since 12.1.2025)
Date: 24.01.2025